Are you looking for the best dentist for getting you work done.
Obviously when it comes to your health and you are ready to spend then why do u want to compromise?
We will help you choose the best for the job assigned.
1. In India the only recognised degrees by dental council of india are B.D.S (bacheleor of dental surgery) and MDS (Master of dental surgery)
None other degree like MIDA is a degree. It is actually a shortform for member of Indian dental ascociation and most of the additives few people use to lure in patients are just short forms to their membership to an ascociation and not a degree.
Of course dentists can update their knowledge and skills by undergoing certain shortcourses or CDE programes but they do not get any academic qualification by these courses.
So don’t fall prey to such MIDA AND MIES OR MOSI like false luring starategies by dentists.
2. Know the different specialities in dentistry- Like other fields of medicine dental sciences is also divided into specialities.
A general dentist goes through a specialised training for three years and exclusively works and learns the speciality work like-
A. Endodontics and conservative dentistry– a dentist trained in this field is known as an endodontist. The speciality deals with dental procedures like Root canal treatment, endodontic surgeries, non surgical retreatment of failed cases, management of badly brocken tooth by Post and core treatment, aesthetic dentistry procedures like veneers , laminates etc.
B. Prosthodontics crown and bridge – a dentist who is trained in this field is called as a prosthodontist and deals with all kinds of prosthesis that replace a missing tooth or tissue. Fixed partial dentures, removable dentures, complete dentures, replacing lost oral and facial structures, Implants etc.
C. Oral and maxillofacial surgery- the specialist is known as an oral surgeon and deals with- surgical extraction of complicated cases, removal of impacted teeth, management of trauma including fractures, management of cyst an d tumors related to facial region, orthognathic or jaw correction surgeries.
D. Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics– the specialist is known as a orthodontist and deals with correction of malaligned teeth by means of BRACES, wires or appliances. They are trained to observe and manipulate the growth of jaws to achieve a favourable outcome using appliances.
E. Pedodontics and preventive dentistry- specialist is known as a pedodontist and deals in management of all dental problems in children.
F. Periodontics –A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, and in the placement of dental implants. Periodontists are also experts in the treatment of oral inflammation.
G. Preventive and community dentist– They are related to managing dental problems in community as large. They play a pivotal role in preventive programes for overall betterment of dental health in society.
H. Oral medicine and radiology– This speciality deals with diagn ostic part in dentistry including radiologic diagnosis and medicinal management of oral diseases.
So one of the criteria while choosing a dentist near you is type of dental work you need.
Although a general dentist can take care of your problem and may refer you to specialist in case you need a specialist care but you can directly approach a specialist for your dental need when you are aware of the specialities.
We have come up with certain criterias that you should look for when looking for a good dentist
The following criteria can be noted like:
- Clinic working hours (check whether the doctor works both morning and evening)
This will help you firstly in finding an appropriate appointment which will not disturb your schedule of your job hours.
Moreover in procedure that require multiple sittings and emergencies like pain the availability of dentist for morning as well as evening is always advantageous.
- Check the office to make sure its clean, neat and orderly
Dental office is a place that can have a lot of infections if not maintained well. So always choose a neat and clean practice that takes care of adequate hygiene practices that will be healthy for you.
You can check for the sterilisation protocols of the office.
Autoclaving is the gold standard for sterilisation.
Sterilisation pouches which have indicators of sterility are good way to know if the instruments have been autoclaved properly.
- Observe the dental surgeon and assistants wearing gloves and other protective gear during treatment
Barrier protection is a must and minimum criteria that your dentist must use to prevent cross contamination of deadly diseases like HIV, Hepatitis etc.
- See If Dentist / dental clinic offers emergency services after working hours
Its always better to choose a dentist who offers emergency services as a part of there services.
- Informations about all fees and payments are planned before treatment is scheduled
The fees structure for various services should either be displayed or made clear prior to procedures to avoid any misindurstandings and maintain transparency.
Root canal procedure – Does the post root canal restoration will be charged separately or is included in charges. Crown charges are usually separate but u should always ask to avoid any misunderstandings.
Crown and bridge- are the lab charges included?
Charges for temporistation are different or included?
- Does your dentist work by appointments or calls up all patients at time?
This is very important for saving your time. Usually a dental procedure typically last for anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour. So waiting hours at a dental office can be frustrating.
A dentist who works by appointment is always beneficial in terms of saving time. ( but you should respect the appointment by reaching on time to avoid inconvenience to all others.)
- Record keeping
Its an important factor. You can acess your old records if you move out or need it as a reference.
So choose your dentist wisely. A good dentist alongwith your proper care can give you an everlasting beautiful and healthy smile.